  • Tristen Petitpas

    Author: Kim Sneath - The Clutter Coach |

    Absolutely amazing women to work with!! I had multiple sessions with her for my house, and if I ever need more help, I will be contacting her again. She approaches every situation without judgment and with the utmost respect and compassion. Highly recommend for all your clutter and organizing needs.

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  • Brigitte Leblanc

    Author: Kim Sneath - The Clutter Coach |

    Kim helped me twice and it was with great results!! Our first session, we tackled decluttering the big clutter of my apartment and the second session, we organized 24 years of teaching supplies to give away. It was the motivational start I needed!! I've kept going since and it gets better and better. I'll be calling Kim again when I get closer to the end. Thanks so much for helping me find peace in organization, my goal for my 5oth birthday. :)

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  • Iris Boulton

    Author: Kim Sneath - The Clutter Coach |

    I was "stuck" in grief after the death of my husband. With Kim's calm support, I learned how to talk to myself. To ask myself the right questions to move from "feelings" to facts. I can and do control how I choose to feel, and I have her coaching to thank for that. I highly recommend The Clutter Coach.

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  • Reilly Gray

    Author: Kim Sneath - The Clutter Coach |

    I can not say enough good things about Kim. She has relieved so much anxiety of mine already and it’s only been ONE session. She’s helped me get rid of so much unnecessary items and helped me put in place a system that will help me stay organized. I truly could not have done it without her. Look no further she’s your girl!!

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  • Piers M.

    Author: Kim Sneath - The Clutter Coach |

    I had a great session with Kim last week. Following our call, I went on a massive purge over the weekend and I'm still not done. But I have broken the back of it. Honestly, if I had weighed all the paperwork, documentation etc. that's been thrown out or shredded, it must be close to 10 kilograms or maybe more! Phew!... What will be really interesting is to maintain this, like you were saying. I've got a few other areas (well mainly some drawers with stuff just sitting there! It's gotta go). I'm coming back to what we highlighted... feelings of relief and satisfaction. Identifying…

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  • Sue Z.

    Author: Kim Sneath - The Clutter Coach |

    Kim is a supportive and calming presence. She does a beautiful job of helping people explore their inner life and how it manifests in the home. In the space of five days I watched her transform our Clutter Busters group from overwhelmed and tired into hopeful and positive! She has simple and clear strategies for making decisions on what to keep or toss. Kim has a way of cutting through the mind clutter. Her coaching is unique and valuable!

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  • Lea R.

    Author: Kim Sneath - The Clutter Coach |

    Kim has helped me in a way that I didn't expect at all. We did work on the methods to declutter in a most productive way, however that was not the best part. The best part was that she helped me work on the internal clutter that was my road blocks on getting rid of things, my journey in believing that I am worth it and much more This was better than therapy! I 100% recommend her services.

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  • K A

    Author: Kim Sneath - The Clutter Coach |

    What an amazing experience! With the gentle but directive guidance from Kim, I managed to move over 60 bags/boxes of 'stuff' out my home so far! Every week in my 3 month process was productive. I didn't just clear out the clutter in my home but also the clutter in my mind. Kim helped clear my negative thoughts I had, that I would fail as usual, thinking I'd never get my house the way I dreamed of; clutter free, organized, inviting and functional. But I did it! ... After being suddenly forced to work from home, my art/yoga studio was taken…

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  • Jonathan R.

    Author: Kim Sneath - The Clutter Coach |

    Kim Sneath has changed our space and our lives for the better! I was lucky enough to meet Kim Virtually during COVID-19. She was in a marketing group that I belonged to and she introduced herself as a clutter coach and I thought to myself, "I don't know what that is, but I think I need it!" And it was a terrific decision for us.... Kim gave us tools on how to declutter our entire lives. The end product: We threw away 78 bags of garbage, 10 recycling bins, and 12 bags for donations. Everything from paper, clothing, and old sentimental things…

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  • Bonez P.

    Author: Kim Sneath - The Clutter Coach |

    I took an online course with Kim, and I won a free one-on-one call with her at the end of it. Both helped me so greatly. Kim helped me to see how my clutter was an extension of other problems I had been grappling with, and she helped me to overcome them. My life has only gotten better since and I couldn't recommend her services more highly!

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  • Erika S.

    Author: Kim Sneath - The Clutter Coach |

    Kim Sneath is absolutely amazing at what she does! She helped me redecorate my hair salon Kalia Organic Salon with such ease and no heart ache virtually via email & phone! I never would have done it on my own and Kim made is so easy & possible. Now my salon is more aligned with its brand and feels absolutely wonderful! My business has grown so much since Kim's help!

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  • Nancy B.

    Author: Kim Sneath - The Clutter Coach |

    Kim's 6 week Advance Space For Grace Program was just what I needed! Her life-coaching skills with supportive guidance, help me work within this time frame. As soon as I recognized others could benefit more from my excess than these dusty storage containers, my "yes/no/maybe" decisions were made with relative ease! Kim's SFG process works! ... Just follow the steps week by week, box by box, and soon you, too, will have more time and energy to do what you love! Kudos to The Clutter Coach ...Kim Sneath! It would have taken me so much longer without you!   Read more

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  • M W

    Author: Kim Sneath - The Clutter Coach |

    It was such a pleasure to work with Kim. Our family has unique challenges around organizing many many medical documents and a large amount of medical supplies in our small house. Kim asked all the right questions with care and empathy to better understand our needs. She provided practical advice and came up with great solutions that were implemented on the spot during our session.... Not only did she help to organize our space so that it was functional and looked great, she also helped to reduce the 'mental clutter' and stress that comes with having to navigate the health system…

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  • Linda G.

    Author: Kim Sneath - The Clutter Coach |

    I decided to join Kim's program called Space for Grace because I couldn't seem to get a system going to get organized as well as the motivation to do it. In her program, I was able to get a system in place and I gained so much more. I learned that clutter is from unmade decisions. After finishing your program, I have been able to continue on and keep my home organized and decluttered. When I enter my home now it feels like it gives me a big hug and I love that feeling. Kim is the best and her…

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