Piers M. - U.K.

Piers M. - U.K.

Author: Kim Sneath - The Clutter Coach |


I had a great session with Kim last week.

Following our call, I went on a massive purge over the weekend and I'm still not done. But I have broken the back of it.

Honestly, if I had weighed all the paperwork, documentation etc. that's been thrown out or shredded, it must be close to 10 kilograms or maybe more! Phew!...

What will be really interesting is to maintain this, like you were saying.

I've got a few other areas (well mainly some drawers with stuff just sitting there! It's gotta go).

I'm coming back to what we highlighted... feelings of relief and satisfaction. Identifying how I will feel (and can feel) both during and after clearing clutter, so as not to view it as a chore but something re-vitalising was key. Thank Kim, highly recommend your services! 😌 ✨ 💜

