I'm Kim, The Host Of Space For Grace.

I'm Kim, The Host Of Space For Grace.

Author: Mock Webware |

Founder of Kim Sneath, The Clutter Coach and Clutter Busters

Over the past 15 years, I've helped thousands of busy women and men around the world eliminate overwhelm and take control of their homes, schedules and lives. I use an inside-out approach by coaching the person who has the clutter, rather than focusing on the house that has the clutter in it.

You want to get organized. But you're unsure of how to start.

For a while now, you've been feeling the weight of clutter, the heavy, dense energy in your home and your life dragging it all down. You'd like to live life with ease and joy.

But even when you tackle one area or project, there's always so much more to do...and so many reasons to keep things for sentimental reasons or "just in case". It's like fighting a losing battle in your own home to declutter and get organized.

Space for Grace can help.

